Logistics Services

Introducing Routed: Cargo Van Load Bidding for Owner Operator Carriers with Aged MC#

Your Partner in Efficient Dispatching

Introducing Routed: Revolutionizing Cargo Van Load Bidding

Routed is a cutting-edge app designed specifically for cargo van motor carriers, enabling them to bid on loads effortlessly from anywhere – whether they are on the road, sitting in their van, or at home. Routed empowers motor carriers to take control of their dispatching, allowing them to send bids directly from their own email addresses. This ensures that brokers and customers recognize the bids as coming straight from the carrier, not a third-party dispatch company.

Key Features and Benefits:

Direct Bidding

Motor carriers can bid on loads directly, eliminating the middleman. This transparency builds trust with brokers and customers, as they know exactly who they are dealing with.

Save on Dispatch Fees

Save on dispatch fees! Routed offers a straightforward monthly rate, allowing carriers to avoid the typical 10-20% dispatch fees. This translates to significant savings and increased profitability.


Carriers have full control over their loads and schedules. The app’s intuitive interface makes it easy to manage bids and dispatch tasks independently.

Driver Setup

Routed also supports the setup and management of drivers working for the motor carrier, streamlining operations and ensuring efficiency.


Designed with simplicity in mind, Routed’s user-friendly platform ensures that even those with minimal tech experience can navigate and utilize its features with ease.

With Routed, cargo van motor carriers gain autonomy, save money, and enhance their operational efficiency. Join the revolution and take control of your dispatching today!


Delivering cargo, one load at a time

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